Friday, March 18, 2011

Krispy Kale

Kale - you know, aka garnish?  Trying to decide what to do with the rest of the kale in my fridge, I found this recipe and the 5 star ratings on every variation made me very curious.

You take kale, cut it off the stem, tear into potato-chip sized pieces, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, bake at 350 degrees until the kale is....crispy? 

I arranged the kale on the baking sheet.  I drizzled oil and sprinkled sea salt, but also mixed it together with my hands so all of it would be covered evenly.  At one point I accidently grabbed the pepper shaker so it has a little black pepper on it too - no harm done.

Put it in the oven - 350 degrees, timer set for 10 minutes.



Holy cow!  I mean so freakin good.  I would have never guessed.  If you like olive oil and salt - you're going to love these anyway, but if you're a chip fan - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how satisfying these are. 

Actually the perfect crispy ones just taste salty and yummy with not a lot of olive oil taste left. 

I was paranoid about them burning up quickly, but I could have probably put them on for a few minutes longer. 
This is a recipe to play around with for your family's tastes.  I saw that some people put seasoning salt or garlic salt and apparently a little black pepper doesn't hurt either. 
Also be sure that there is no water on the kale before attempting this recipe.  After washing the kale, pat it dry with a paper towel.

For about a cup of kale chips you are looking at less than 100 calories (it depends on how much oil you add), but the bottom line is these are much healthier than fried potato chips.

If you are watching sodium you could chop up fresh garlic to roast alongside the kale leaves.  And, of course, there's always Mrs. Dash.

Check out the benefits of kale:

Scrumptious Love,
E.N. Graham

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