Sunday, March 20, 2011

Goodbye, Diet Books! Hello Again, Devin!

I recently threw out all of my diet books.  And when I say diet books - I'm talking about the gimmicky things - Flat Belly Diet, FatSmash, Lemons, Grapefruits, Cabbage, etc.  I had been saving them for the recipes ha ha!  There is this crazy thing called the internet where you can find just about any recipe using any ingredient.  Besides whenever I need a recipe - I have my favorite cookbooks and I rarely stray.  I'll review them all in time, but I'm going to start with my first ever healthy cookbook. 

Most Decadent Diet by Devin Alexander (star of FitTv & Biggest Loser cookbook author)
The Most Decadent Diet Ever!: The cookbook that reveals the secrets to cooking your favorites in a healthier way

It was my first and still is my favorite!

That chocolate cake she is holding is one of the best chocolate cakes I've ever had and it's less fat and calories than most!  I almost hate sharing this because many of my 'go-to' recipes are in this book.  None of this stuff tastes diet - which is because it really isn't diet - you just sub some higher calorie or fatty ingredients with less fatty ingredients - so it's all still scrum-diddilly-umptious! 

Ever since I started using this book a few years ago, I now require that all of my cookbooks MUST have the nutrition information of every recipe.  So handy! 

I actually found, bought, loved, and used this book often before I became a member of Biggest Loser Club Online for a few weeks and got their cookbook sent to me in the mail.  After using that one, I should have realized the two books were similar, but I just didn't.  It wasn't until I was watching Devin on her show Healthy Decadance on FitTv that I heard her mention she was the chef who wrote the Biggest Loser cookbook.  I had no idea I had been cooking out of two of her books. 

Ever since that moment I have been a huge Devin fan and I have two other books of hers and follow her show as often as I can.  I'm always trying to share how awesome her stuff is with others.  She works hard to test the recipes and it is amazing transition food.  If you are trying to become healthier and you pick up a vegan cookbook - you are going have some withdrawals and additive shocks that send you right back to the fast food joints, ordering twice as much than normal out of guilt and hunger.  But her recipes allow for a transition that works.

Some recipes in this book:  BBQ Bacon Cheeseburgers, Eggplant Parmesan, Sinless Yet Sinful Sticky Buns, Dark Chocolate Layer Cake with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

The chili recipe I use is also in here, however, Devin likes things very spicey, so I've adjusted a few things for personal preference which is what all good home cooks do ha ha.

More Devin Alexander cookbook reviews to come soon! 

Scrumptious Love,
E.N. Graham

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